Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gift Life Banner - Tasha's Heart

17 year old Tasha 

Christmas 1992

Tasha tells me how important it is to her, that she become an organ & tissue donor.

She wanted to be a donor, but it was especially important to her that someone have her heart.

After she had passed on, I recalled those times when she was a baby how at times I would be struck with a thought that she wouldn't be with us for very long.

When this would happen I would panic, then go to her bedside and put my hand on her little chest, just to feel her heart beat.

Little did I know then, that even though she would die young, that her heart would continue to beat long after she was gone.

Little did I know that her hearts dream, somehow in someway, would come true.

Her dream to one day, find the one she was meant to be with, be married, love and care for 6 children, to travel and so much more.

Yes, we always knew that one day she would give her heart to a young man, but we didn't know it would be in this way.

We are forever grateful and thankful, to those that helped to make her wish come true.

Take care and God bless.


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