Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who will be at the Banner Parade on May 5th???

Hi again my friends....

This is a good question that I really can't answer.

I do know that we have confirmation from the family of one Canadian transplant recipient from Medicine Hat.

I also know that Bonnie and her son Darin (a nine year old liver recipient)  will be picking up banner segments from those that won't be attending from Calgary and Edmonton. But to date these are the only transplant recipients that have confirmed their attendance.

Then as far as our schools and community goes, I really don't know who will all be at this event -

I do know that we will have confirmation from 3 of our local teachers. But since the parade is on a Sunday we have no way of knowing if the families of the students will be bringing their children.

Because of this, I got up this morning and started to send this email to all of our local schools and I also sent it to everyone on my mailing list.

So here's to keeping ones fingers, toes and nose hairs crossed do I get myself into????

Take care God bless and have a great day.


Note sent to schools - media and those on my mailing list.
Hi everyone,

I would really like to thank you for all the support that you have shown towards this project since its conception in 2011.

Now we are near our launch date and this past Sunday April 21st, we officially documented 536 meters for our World's Longest Banner attempt.

We have had such a wonderful response from our schools with the making of the banner segments. We also have had a great response from others outside our community.

At this time we are anticipating that we will have over 1,000 meters for this banner and we are in desperate need of volunteers from the schools and community members to help out with the parade on May 5th.

If it is possible could you please let me know if you will have a team and a team leader from your school that will be attending the Gift of Life Banner Parade on Sunday May 5th?

We need to set up and meet before 1:00 to be able to start walking by 2:00 p.m.

Yours truly

Maria Stranaghan.

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