Friday, May 10, 2013

AB Government - Bill 207 will force individuals to say yes or no to organ & tissue donation!!

Hello my friends ...

I just thought you might to have a look at this....

let's talk about this with others...

Will  this help or hinder the donation process ??? What do you think??

Last night received an email stating that -

Bill 207 was going to 2nd reading on Monday. - Apparently Minister Dave Hancock, who is the Government House Leader in charge of Legislature business, stood up in the Legislature this afternoon to announce that Bill 207 will be reintroduced next week as a Government Bill.   

 Bill 207 – will force Alberta drivers to make decision on organ & tissue donation.
Section 4 Page 2

4.2(1) When an adult applies to the Registrar of Motor Vehicle Services for issuance or renewal of an operator's licence under the Traffic Safety Act, that adult shall be asked whether her or she consents to the donation of his or her tissue, organs or body in accordance with section 4(1)(a)
 (2) If an adult provides his or her written consent under subsection(1),  the Registrar of Motor Vehicle Services shall

(a) transmit that information to the Alberta Organ and Tissue Donation Agency for inclusion in the online registry, and

(b) affix a sticker in the prescribed form indicating the consent on and area of the operator's licence designated for that purpose.

If yes – names will automatically go into an online donor registry.

How do Albertans feel about this and how will the Alberta donor registry be set up?

Note -
Depending on how the Alberta donor registry is set up, they may or may not have to notify families when harvesting organs or tissues.

My answer 

 Yes to a donor registry, but when it comes to getting organ & tissue donors -

 Educate don't legislate -

Some individuals want to donate but will not put their heir names in a donor registry.

 Don't force individuals to say no to donation!

Maria Stranaghan
Donor mom 1993

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today is the DAY....830 meters so far !!

Well my friends ….as you can imagine ….it’s been a long two years and during these past few days …..I’ve been busy, full, and eventful!

Today I don’t have much time to spend on the computer due to all that is going on. But I wanted to give you a quick update.

Thanks to a loving mom and baba, our birthday boy & liver transplant recipient, 10 year old Darren arrived from Medicine Hat late on Thursday night (May 3rd)

Then on Friday some got together with some other dear, dear people and we now have 830 meters documented for our banner.

Then yesterday we had a surprise BD party for Darren at our local library…thank you to one and all for helping to make this a special day for Darren and his family.

Now it looks like it will be a beautiful day and we are as ready as we’ll ever be.

OUR PLAN….We start at 1:00

Our dignitaries will say a few words

We add the banner and document the segments that are arriving today.

The parade starts at 2:00 after that our closing ceremonies.

If we don’t have enough people to parade the banner, that banner will be stretched out and will be officially measured by a survey for purposes of the Guinness World Record.  

Now as to what GOD has planned for us we will just have to wait and see.

Take care …God bless and have a great day.
