Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Transplant Games - Getting the word out.

Well dear reader....

Since I received the message about the need for more volunteers, I've been sitting at my computer trying to get the word out.

I started by sending it to everyone on my email list and since I don't like to send mass emails, I did this for one person at a time.

I followed the same rule and sent the message to, editors from newspapers from across Alberta (including university papers) and TV news teams.

After this I added the information to my face book pages, this blog and my twitter page.

I'm thankful to say that, family and friends are doing what they can and they are also getting the word out. 

On a personal level, I still have a lot to do before we go to the games.

As usual I'm still taking care of my grandson Max on a full time basis, he is a joy to have around but can be a handful. Also at this point in time the poor little guy is suffering from pink eye....and he needs a few more hugs then usual. 

I must say that taking care of Max, does limit the time that I can work on this project, the web-page etc.

Then when you add to this, the transplant games, vacation time, a wedding and family reunion - all I can think of is this ....

Thank Goodness that the Guinness book banner attempt isn't until next May.

God bless and have a great day


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